Reaching new heights

Vet, and two others with King Charles Caviler Dog in check up room

In the past six years, successful fundraising has elevated the college, leading to more opportunities for growth

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

This Maya Angelou quote speaks to the past six years of fundraising success at the College of Veterinary Medicine at K-State. With generous gifts from individuals and industry partners, the college has gratefully enhanced facilities, supported students and invested in program success.

When Dr. Bonnie Rush was named interim dean of the college in 2017 and then appointed dean in 2019, she came with a list of goals that included increasing scholarship support, improving facilities, advancing student wellness and increasing the college’s endowment.

Through the generosity of alumni, friends of the college and industry partners, those goals have been met.

“We’ve more than doubled the scholarship endowment. That is really important to keep the degree as affordable as possible so students graduate with less debt,” Rush said. “Corporate and private gifts have allowed us to transform the college into a more contemporary and functional space. This has helped us with recruiting students and retaining faculty.”

Impact of philanthropy over the past six years

Scholarships and financial support

  • $26.8M scholarship endowment
  • Tuition frozen since 2018
  • $32.4K/student decrease in in-state student debt
  • $76.9K/student decrease in out-of-state student debt
  • Increased state support for rural scholarships


  • 103,900 square feet renovated or added
  • $32.6M raised for enhanced facilities
  • Service, research and teaching spaces improved


  • $20M+ support for the shelter medicine program, including two new mobile surgery vehicles
  • Feedyard visit and student training in Food Animal Medicine with the Beef Cattle Institute
  • Treatment expense coverage for those in need through the Miles Fund and Pet Tribute fund

Student wellness

  • Comprehensive wellness program and in-house fitness center
  • Purple Pantry food and hygiene products
  • Purple Threads work clothing closet
  • Free counseling
  • Testing center to support academic success
  • Financial literacy education

Endowment growth = future support and success

  • $54.2M endowment — a $24M increase

You can help

Thanks to your generosity, the College of Veterinary Medicine has exceeded its fundraising goal every year since 2015-16. Our goal this year is $15 million.

To invest in the college, contact Austin Schilling.

*First published in the winter 2023 Wildcat Veterinarian magazine.

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Torrey lonker

Torrey Lonker Development Officer - Veterinary Medicine


Joan Burton

Joan Burton Executive Development Officer - Veterinary Medicine
