A Critical Tool

Excellence funds provide vital flexibility.

College deans, department heads and program leaders are often faced with situations that require funding in order to provide a solution. However, most funds available to them are designated for a specific purpose. Excellence funds, on the other hand, are to be used at the leader’s discretion, providing the flexibility to address emerging needs and opportunities. They allow university leaders to take calculated risks for big returns, support innovative ideas and new exploratory projects, attract and retain excellent faculty, staff and students, and provide unique experiences for K-Staters.

Donors who contribute to excellence funds make a giant impact and help build a better university. A few K-State leaders share with us how excellence funds have made a difference for their programs.

To support the K-State Libraries Excellence Fund, visit this link or contact Heather Strafuss at 785-775-2146 or heathers@ksufoundation.org.

To support the College of Engineering Dean’s Excellence Fund, visit this link or contact Jenna Brown at 785-775-2043 or jennab@ksufoundation.org.

To support the College of Agriculture Dean’s Excellence Fund, visit this link or contact Kerry Wefald at 785-775-2090 or kerryw@ksufoundation.org.

To support the College of Health and Human Sciences, visit this link or contact Jeff Haug at 785-775-2061 or jeffh@ksufoundation.org.

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Contact a gift officer

Jenna Brown

Jenna Brown Senior Director of Development - Engineering


katie painter

Katie Painter Student Gift Officer
