Barrier-Free Theatre

K-State Theatre offers opportunity for community to create and perform original theater.

K-State’s Barrier-Free Theatre is a program that invites K-State undergraduate and graduate students, as well as members of the Manhattan community, with and without disabilities, to create and perform an original production.

The program collaborates with the Manhattan Parks and Recreation Department.

“This has been a way for people with disabilities in the community to show their abilities,” said Sally Bailey, director of the K-State Drama Therapy program.

Bailey said many students who participate are drama therapy students or are interested in that field of work.

The production is performed in April each year in the Purple Masque Theatre and is open to the community.

“It really opens audience members’ minds to the fact that they should be thinking about these actors as people who are a part of the community, who should be part of other activities in town,” Bailey said. “There’s a lot of changing of attitudes, from something that is typically stigmatized to being accepted.”

To learn more, go to their webpage or visit their Facebook page.

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