Generous gift advances music master class series and extension programs at K-State

band playing in auditorium

Through a pair of generous gifts to the School of Music, Theatre and Dance, Jerry A. Hall of Indianapolis, Indiana, will help Kansas State University deliver world-class talent and teaching to music lovers at the university and across the state of Kansas.

With a $375,000 donation over five years to the QuVee Mock Master Class Series, Hall will help K-State bring acclaimed artists from around the globe to share their gifts with students through intimate and exclusive classes. The series will expand to offer public learning opportunities as well, making it a destination event and asset to the surrounding economy.

Hall’s second gift of $125,000 supports the Marilyn Sawin Arts Extension Across Kansas fund, sending faculty and staff from the K-State music program to conduct performing arts clinics in rural communities.

“As a land-grant institution, K-State pledges to share knowledge and cultural enrichment with the people of Kansas,” said Bryan Pinkall, director of the school. “When we bring up the topic of extension, what usually comes to mind are horticulture or nutrition programs. But the arts are equally vital to those efforts, and we’re grateful to Jerry for helping us elevate and extend our programs.”

Hall is a 1986 graduate of K-State, receiving one bachelor’s degree in music and another in biochemistry and molecular biophysics. He continued his education at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, which awarded him a doctoral degree in medicine in 1990. Hall developed analgesics as a clinical research physician at Lilly USA LLC, as medical director at Abbot and as a medical director for pain care at AbbVie. He currently serves as associate vice president at Eli Lilly & Co.

“It’s a pleasure to gift my alma mater with performances and instruction from renowned musicians,” Hall said. “I’m looking forward to the excitement this will generate for the school, and especially to the programs’ impact on the communities that will benefit from the passion and knowledge they share.”

“We’re incredibly grateful to Jerry Hall for ensuring his love of music will continue to positively impact countless students and Kansas residents for years to come,” said Greg Willems, KSU Foundation president and CEO. “The arts are an essential part of the student experience at K-State, and we’re excited to be able to spread music education of this caliber far and wide.”

As Kansas State University’s strategic partner for philanthropy, the KSU Foundation inspires and guides philanthropy toward university priorities to boldly advance K-State.

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