How KSU Foundation maximizes your generosity.
A standout among top performers
- $174.2 million raised in FY18
- $92.2 million made available to campus in FY18
- 11¢ KSU Foundation spends for each $1 raised.* The national average is 20¢
- 22 of top 172 top performing development officers nationally work for the KSU Foundation.*
*Per national study of U.S. colleges and universities
Fast facts
- Founded in 1944, $2.50 first gift
- 125 full-time employees and 30 part-time student employees
- 5,500 personal visits with K-Staters all over the country
- $2+ billion raised since 1944 raised in FY18
- $539 million Market value of the long-term investment pool
- Leading industry innovations like K-State Office Park
By giving to K-State through the nonprofit KSU Foundation, philanthropic contributions are tax-deductible, are directed as the donor intends for today and in the future, and cannot be reallocated by the state and Board of Regents to be used elsewhere.