Inspiring and guiding philanthropy

How KSU Foundation maximizes your generosity.

A standout among top performers

  • $174.2 million raised in FY18
  • $92.2 million made available to campus in FY18
  • 11¢ KSU Foundation spends for each $1 raised.* The national average is 20¢
  • 22 of top 172 top performing development officers nationally work for the KSU Foundation.*

*Per national study of U.S. colleges and universities

Fast facts

  • Founded in 1944, $2.50 first gift
  • 125 full-time employees and 30 part-time student employees
  • 5,500 personal visits with K-Staters all over the country
  • $2+ billion  raised since 1944 raised in FY18
  • $539 million Market value of the long-term investment pool
  • Leading industry innovations like K-State Office Park

By giving to K-State through the nonprofit KSU Foundation, philanthropic contributions are tax-deductible, are directed as the donor intends for today and in the future, and cannot be reallocated by the state and Board of Regents to be used elsewhere.

Kansas State University Foundation

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Contact a gift officer

Damon Fairchild

Damon Fairchild Senior Director of Development - Architecture, Planning and Design


Ellie Noble Student Gift Officer
