Inspiring Persistence

Brian Rohleder finds success at K-State.

Being a student-athlete can be tough to manage, especially if you are a Division I athlete majoring in engineering. Yet, Brian Rohleder is a graduating senior at Kansas State University who has successfully done both with help from K-State alumni, friends and corporate partners.

This summer, he juggled basketball training and an internship at GE Johnson Construction. The internship allowed him to play an integral role in building K-State’s West Stadium Center. He had the unique opportunity of being part of the construction team while also enjoying the top-notch student-athlete accommodations located within.

Then, after three long years of working hard as a walk-on member of K-State’s men’s basketball team, Rohleder found out he was receiving an athletic scholarship for his senior year.

“When coach told me I was receiving a scholarship, it was one of the most exciting moments in my life because it was great to see my hard work rewarded,” Rohleder said.

Throughout his time at K-State, Rohleder also received three academic scholarships for engineering. He believes that his opportunities have been made possible by K-State’s culture of generous philanthropy.

“Scholarships go much further than paying bills, and further than my education,” Rohleder said. “It makes me as a student try harder in the classroom so I can get a good job, and maybe in the future I will donate to another student just as someone helped me. Giving that experience to someone else would be priceless.”

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