Kicking off greatness

K-State launches $1 billion campaign

Your Support in Action

The first week of October was one of the most exciting of my career and definitely a highlight of my time at K-State so far. On Friday, October 9, we celebrated the public launch of Innovation and Inspiration: The Campaign for Kansas State University. The campaign will raise $1 billion to help advance K-State toward our goal to be recognized as a top 50 public research university by 2025.

The dedicated staff at the KSU Foundation worked for several months with our campus partners and volunteers to plan a series of events to publicly launch the campaign. These events highlighted and featured our outstanding students, faculty and alumni and the philanthropic support that helps make their achievements possible. In this commemorative edition of Good for K-State, you will hear from some of those individuals and learn more about the campaign.

Thanks to generous K-State supporters, the campaign has already raised more than $776 million as of November 30, 2015, toward our $1 billion goal. Together we can ensure that K-State’s long tradition as a public research university is preserved and enhanced for future generations.

Greg Willems
President and CEO
KSU Foundation

Read more stories from Good for K-State Magazine.

Innovation and Inspiration Campaign launch

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