Ten years of giving

Celebrating a decade of giving, K-State Proud and the All-University Campaign share their impact on K-State.

The All-University Campaign for K-State is an internal fundraising effort led by K-State faculty and staff volunteers, specifically focused on the participation of all employees from the Manhattan campus, K-State Polytechnic, K-State Olathe, K-State Alumni Association, KSU Foundation and K-State Athletics. It is an annual campaign for all members of the campus community to participate by supporting the areas of the university they care about most. Cumulative total faculty and staff giving over the past decade has surpassed $14 million.

K-State Proud is a student-led, nationally recognized fundraising campaign for K-State. Guided by the leadership of Student Foundation, the campaign encourages students to show their K-State pride through philanthropy. All student campaign donations establish Student Opportunity Awards for fellow K-State students. Over the course of the past nine years, the campaign has raised nearly $1 million and helped more than 500 students to stay at K-State who otherwise would not have been able to continue.

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Torrey lonker

Torrey Lonker Development Officer - Veterinary Medicine


Jefferson Simmons

Jefferson Simmons Development Officer
