Voices of change

K-State’s Spectrum Center provides students with a place to express themselves freely

K-State’s Spectrum Center is a place where students can go and feel comfortable being themselves. Since its establishment, the goal has been to make the center a place for inclusion, advocacy and understanding.

“The Spectrum Center was established through Student Government advancement funding in 2009,” said Dr. Brandon Haddock, Spectrum Center coordinator. “Originally, as a graduate assistant in student life, I realized very quickly that students needed the support and services the center offered. Over the past decade the center has expanded physically within Holton Hall but also in responsibilities to the campus community and all students, faculty and staff.”

The Spectrum Center provides students with a variety of resources and services. “The center provides an affirming physical location for students, faculty and staff to be themselves and to interact with others,” said Haddock. “Resources available include assistance and guidance in maneuvering K-State’s policies and programs such as who to contact in Financial Assistance, who to see about a campus job, or who to speak to about advising — we are often a first stop for students who are looking for assistance in other campus areas.”

Beyond those resources, the Spectrum Center excels at ensuring the overall wellness of the students who seek out the center’s assistance.

“We also can provide in-depth resource guidance for mental health care, health care options, student of concern reporting and many other areas where we can directly assist the student in acquiring resources that are needed,” said Haddock. “Each student’s needs are different and there are many days that we are addressing many varied concerns or needs from students.”

The Spectrum Center benefits students who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and the entire K-State student body. “The center provides resources and a sense of belonging for all students, regardless of sexuality or gender identity,” said Haddock. “Everyone has a sexuality. Everyone has a gender identity. I serve all students in my capacity and do often become a first stop for students who are not LGBT but are needing assistance. This, to me, says that we have built a reputation of being open and affirming to all, and that we can and do help students of all identities.”

Philanthropy is the driving force behind the center’s ability to provide for the students they serve. “Philanthropy supports all aspects of what we are able to do and to provide for our students,” said Haddock. “In the past decade, there are untold numbers of students that have been successful at K-State and have graduated who otherwise would not have if it had not been for the assistance that we can provide from our donors.”

Students who utilize the Spectrum Center feel safe and empowered to live within their identity. “The center has provided space on campus where I know that I can go and feel seen and affirmed in my identity as a part of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Katie Hutson, senior in psychology. “Having an LGBT resource center on campus means a lot because it means that there is staff employed by the university advocating for our community. Having a physical space in Holton Hall also means that there is a safe space for all LGBTQ+ individuals on campus. Just knowing that there is a resource center on campus helped me feel safer existing as a queer person at K-State.”

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