Why K-Staters give

why k-staters give graphic

Passion drives philanthropy, and our donors are passionate about K-State In our last issue of Good for K-State, we asked you, our readers, to share your “Why I Give” story. Many of you responded, and here are a few of those giving stories we think you’ll enjoy.

“My education at K-State laid the foundation for a very successful career in chemical research. I support scholarships for the Department of Chemistry, as I want other students to find the benefits of education in preparation for their successful careers.”

John Walters ’63

“I graduated just as the Great Recession set in, not making a whole lot of money, but I knew that my education from K-State would carry me far. With my student loans paid off, I feel a moral duty to continue to pay it forward for students who may not be as fortunate as I was. We are truly all one Wildcat family!”

Adrianne DeWeese ’08

“My four years at K-State started me on my professional path to teach physical education and enjoy sports for women who were overlooked prior to Title IX. I am now retired after serving 60 years in education, with my final 30 years as a professor at Northern Illinois University, where I taught, coached and directed the major program. I am now retired and support each of my educational institutions.”

Dr. Lou Jean Moyer ’52

“My parents loved K-State. It was close to our hometown, it had Bill Snyder as the football coach, and my brother, Monte, and I both attended. I wanted to honor my parents by establishing a memorial scholarship in their names, Leslie F. Millick and Romaine Dodds Millick.”

Melody Millick Aldrich ’78

“My late husband, Ron, graduated in 1957. He became a successful CPA with his own practice. He gave K-State credit for his success. Ron established the Ronald and Maryann Johnson Accounting Scholarship, which I still contribute to in his memory.” — Maryann Johnson “K-State engineering came to my rescue when I really needed it with a three-year NASA traineeship. That enabled me to pursue my goal — technical excellence in engineering and a successful career. I always wanted to give back somehow, and the KSU Foundation came along at just the right time when I was able to fund a scholarship and support other priorities. We enjoy being connected forever to K-State!”

Richard Teichgraeber ’64

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