Baking up a buzz

cookies and jar of honey

K-State beekeepers support veteran mental health through honey-filled treats

Sweet treats offer comfort and spark joy. Recognizing the power of sugar and flour, K-State’s bakery science department teamed up with the entomology department and Valor Honey to create sticky-sweet creations that stir conversations about mental health — and aim to win a national award.

Rising relationships

Valor Honey, a nonprofit that supports veterans’ and active-duty service members’ mental health through beekeeping, is no stranger to K-State. The group has long harvested honey alongside K-State entomology students, using hives built by the school’s Intro to Beekeeping class.

Now K-State’s bakery science team has entered the mix. Using donated honey from Valor and the entomology department as the primary sweetener, the group is crafting a recipe to enter into the American Society of Baking’s Product Development Competition.

The bakery science students, who remain anonymous due to the competition, shared that using honey in their recipes has been a golden learning opportunity.

“We’re not just using it as a sweetener,” one team member said. “We’re learning about its functionality in baking and how it affects texture, moisture retention and flavor in our final product.”

Another student said that competition prep also taught an essential lesson in the power of collaboration, specifically across the agriculture college.

“It’s a great example of how K-State fosters a collaborative spirit,” they said.

Comb-filled community

While this competition is at the forefront of K-State’s honey innovation, other collaborative efforts are in the works.

K-State 105, the university’s initiative to promote economic growth and advancement for all 105 counties in Kansas, is partnering with Valor Honey, the entomology department and the American Honey Producers Association. The partnership aims to grow the American Honey Institute, which promotes top-notch beekeeping through workforce training and education like the beekeeping course at K-State.

As the bakery science team prepares for the competition, members have marked the project a success, no matter the outcome. Mimicking a honey-filled hive, the team has created a buzz between K-State and the veteran community that will last long after the award is announced.

Written By: Abbigail Marshall

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Kerry Wefald

Kerry Wefald Senior Director of Development - Agriculture


Christian Calliham

Christian Calliham Development Officer - Agriculture
