Home is where the diploma is

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K-State strengthens scholars in SW Kansas through remote undergraduate program

Earning a degree is a journey — long, winding and often requiring students to leave home. But for many, moving away to college isn’t an option.

That’s why K-State is partnering with Garden City Community College to expand higher education access without requiring students to relocate.

Empowering education

Southwest Kansas currently faces a critical need — only 17.9% of its residents have a bachelor’s degree, compared to the state average of 33.9%.

K-State President Richard Linton says the initiative is essential to fulfilling K-State’s land-grant mission, inspiring residents in every corner of Kansas to realize the power of undergraduate degrees.

“This partnership with Garden City Community College is a powerful step in making higher education a reality for the hardworking people of southwest Kansas,” he said.

GCCC President Ryan Ruda said that the partnership will build — and retain — a skilled workforce.

“By enabling bachelor’s degree completion right here in Garden City, we’re offering students a unique chance to advance their careers while staying rooted in their communities,” he said.

Learning logistics

Students participating in the program will complete their first 60 to 75 credit hours at Garden City Community College before finishing their degrees remotely through a combination of online instruction and on-site lab experiences.

The initial degree offerings set graduates up to meet local workforce demands in agriculture, education and health and human sciences. After launching, GCCC and K-State will shape program expansions based on community surveys discussing regional needs. “Southwest Kansas has been a four-year educational desert for far too long,” Garden City Mayor Manual Ortiz said. “Kansas State University having a physical presence in Garden City and Southwest Kansas validates the importance of Southwest Kansans. These great leaders and this great institution aren’t just writing fancy words in a strategic plan. They say it, mean it, and are doing it.”

By Abbigail Marshall

Curated from K-State, Garden City Community College partner to offer bachelor’s degrees in southwest Kansas

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