Expanding Potential

Engineering Hall gets a boost from ExxonMobil employees.

A group of nine ExxonMobil employees recently took an innovative approach to supporting Kansas State University’s new building expansion, Engineering Hall. As College of Engineering alumni, they pooled their resources and leveraged ExxonMobil’s matching gift benefit for employees.

“The engineering degree and experience at K-State opened the door for me to join the fascinating world of the international oil and gas industry,” said Steve Kirchhoff ’79, who originally thought of the gift concept.

“I have had the chance to work and live in locations around the world, meeting people at every new turn. None of that would have been possible without the great launch from K-State,” said Kirchoff, vice president at ExxonMobil Upstream Ventures.

With their cumulative gifts, the employees named the ExxonMobil Computer Lab on Engineering Hall’s first floor.

“I hope the computer lab helps develop talented young adults to become good citizens of the world,” said Wayne Harms ’76, retired vice president of ExxonMobil Upstream Ventures.

Engineering Hall, a 108,000-square-foot addition to the Durland-Rathbone-Fiedler engineering complex, was designed to facilitate collaborative learning and help develop strong industry leaders.

For more information on remaining naming opportunities within Engineering Hall, please visit www.engg.ksu.edu/engineering-hall or e-mail gavinh@ksufoundation.org.

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John Walter

Landon Weide Student Gift Officer


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Risa Flanders Development Officer - Engineering
