Investing in Carl R. Ice College of Engineering faculty

Carl R. Ice College of Engineering awards 24 named faculty positions under matching initiative.

The Carl R. Ice College of Engineering at Kansas State University announces the naming of 24 faculty members as recipients of either a Keystone Research Scholar or Cornerstone Teaching Scholar award funded as a part of the Carl R. Ice Faculty Development Initiative Match Program.

The initiative, established by K-State alumni Carl and Mary Ice in 2019, enhances the college’s ability to improve retention and graduation rates, ensuring students obtain the best possible learning experience as the awards enable the college to recruit and retain the most highly sought-after faculty.

The Cornerstone Teaching Scholar award recognizes faculty who are exemplary in teaching undergraduate courses and who demonstrate a commitment to student engagement and success in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering. Awardees are nominated by their department head for a three-year appointment.

The Keystone Research Scholar award recognizes faculty members who have made outstanding research contributions that address urgent national and global issues. This named position allows the college to recruit and retain dynamic scholars who are in high demand at universities throughout the nation. Nominated by their department heads, these awardees also receive a three-year appointment.

The Ices established 20 opportunities for individual donors to fund one or two of the awards in their names, and the dean of engineering will then fill each of these positions with a second matched faculty award named in honor of both the original donor and Carl and Mary Ice. Eight of the matching opportunities are still available.

The following faculty members, listed alphabetically by department, have been designated either Keystone or Cornerstone scholars as awarded by the 11 named alumni donors and the Ice Faculty Development Initiative Match:

Architectural engineering and construction science

  • Derek Clements, instructor, Mark C. Nyquist Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Paul Karr, instructor, D. Craig and Dalene D. Nelson — Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Jongchul Song, associate professor, D. Craig and Dalene D. Nelson Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

Biological and agricultural engineering

  • Dan Flippo, assistant professor, Patrick Wilburn Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Ajay Sharda, associate professor, Patrick Wilburn — Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Donghai Wang, professor, Robert and Becca Reichenberger — Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Lisa Wilken, associate professor, Mark C. Nyquist — Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

Chemical engineering

  • Jennifer Anthony, interim department head, Wayne and Barbara Harms — Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Urara Hasegawa, assistant professor, Warren and Gisela Kennedy Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Bin Liu, associate professor, Wayne and Barbara Harms Keystone Research Scholar.

Civil engineering

  • Christopher Jones, associate professor, Wallis-Lage Family Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Landon Marston, assistant professor, Peggy and Gary Edwards Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Scott Schiff, teaching professor, Wallis-Lage Family — Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

Computer science

  • Mitchell Neilsen, professor, Warren and Gisela Kennedy — Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Robby, professor, Peggy and Gary Edwards — Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.

Electrical and computer engineering

  • Dwight Day, associate professor, David and Lynda Dawson Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • William Hageman, assistant professor, Daniel and Judi Burk Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Steve Warren, professor, Robert and Becca Reichenberger Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

Industrial and manufacturing systems engineering

  • Suprem Das, assistant professor, David and Lynda Dawson — Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Jessica Heier Stamm, associate professor, Gisela and Warren Kennedy Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • John Wu, associate professor, Gisela and Warren Kennedy — Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

Mechanical and nuclear engineering

  • William Dunn, professor, Don and Linda Glaser – Carl and Mary Ice Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.
  • Jared Hobeck, assistant professor, Daniel and Judi Burk – Carl and Mary Ice Keystone Research Scholar.
  • Kevin Wanklyn, teaching associate professor, Don and Linda Glaser Cornerstone Teaching Scholar.

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John Walter

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Evan Jones Sr. Director of Development - Universitywide
