Sharing a love of art

Alumnus Lindy Bell shares his love of art by giving to name art department head position at Kansas State University and donating his art collection.

Lindy Bell, Rancho Mirage, California, has given a gift of $2 million to name the position of the head of the Department of Art in the College of Arts and Sciences at Kansas State University. Bell is also leaving his vast art collection to the department.

Bell’s gift to name the Lindy Bell Head of the Department of Art and the donation of his art collection will have an enormous impact on the department and its ability to deliver high-quality instruction and unique educational experiences to its students.

“We will be able to enhance our ability to provide students with state-of-the-art equipment, as well as allow us to bring a broader spectrum of contemporary artists to campus to enrich their creative activities,” said Matthew Gaynor, art department head. “The program will benefit from our ability to maintain Willard Hall and our teaching studio spaces in a manner that reflects the outstanding quality of the work our students produce. Having Lindy’s collection will offer the opportunity to allow our art history students to research and curate themed exhibitions based on the collection and develop an initial understanding of curatorial practice.”

Lindy Bell graduated from K-State in 1951 with a degree in physical education. He had an interest in art all his life and collected pieces from around the world.

“I hope my gift will raise the stature of the art department at K-State and help expose students to a variety of art,” Bell said. “I have 140 pieces of art spanning a wide variety of styles from around the world, including Canada, Japan, Israel and South America. I hope my gift enriches lives and expands the education of students, bringing art to more people.”

Bell’s gift is invaluable to the Department of Art and College of Arts and Sciences, as a whole.

“This generous gift brings the excellent work of K-State’s art department to the immediate attention of our local community, the state of Kansas and the national and international community,” said Amit Chakrabarti, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “Students and faculty members alike benefit from great leadership in the art department. This gift allows us to bring in or retain an excellent leader. Lindy Bell’s generous gift will help our art department continue to strive for greatness in creative work and discovery and in student success.”

As Kansas State University’s strategic partner for philanthropy, the KSU Foundation inspires and guides philanthropy toward university priorities to boldly advance K-State family. The foundation is leading Innovation and Inspiration: The Campaign for Kansas State University to raise $1.4 billion for student success, faculty development, facility enhancement and programmatic success. Visit for more information.

Lindy Bell

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