Understanding gift designations

You decide where your dollars go and the impact you create.

male student in lab

It’s your call

You can direct your gifts to one of K-State’s top priorities — such as the President’s Excellence Fund, which provides vital support for K-State — or to a cause that matters to you.

Whether you’re interested in preparing the next generation of teachers, accelerating cancer research or improving the global food system, where there’s a Wildcat, there’s a way.

We have 6,000+ funds to choose from. Don’t see something you’re passionate about? Contact us to create a new one.

What’s close to your heart? By designating your gift, you are stating your priorities for K-State and the change you want to see in the world.

Get in touch with a gift officer

Emily Dye

Emily Topjon Development Manager


megan rohr

Megan Rohr Digital Development Officer


Maria Kimzey

Maria Kimzey Digital Development Officer


Alyssa Keller

Alyssa Keller Digital Development Officer
