You don’t have to look far to see the impact of philanthropy at K‑State. Gifts power everything from scholarships and professorships to new buildings and major scientific breakthroughs. See what your gift can do.

Latest Campus impact

Legacy of learning

Estate gifts from alumna Varena Mechsner support multiple areas of the College of Health and Human Sciences.

Meet Dr. David Rosowsky, K-State’s new Vice President for Research

Dr. David V. Rosowsky was named vice president for research at Kansas State University. Rosowsky’s proven track record and passion for K-State’s land-grant mission was noted in the announcement of his hiring.

Lasting wildcat legacy

The Brad Heyka Memorial Golf Tournament and scholarships help students succeed while honoring a great Wildcat.

Dedication, drive and discipline

Hard work pays off for Johnson Cancer Research Center scholarship recipients

Mental clarity

K-State Counseling and Psychological Services gives students a space to address their mental health needs

Taking to the skies

Gift of plane to K-State Polytechnic’s aviation program will help students soar

An independent voice

The Collegian Media Group builds upon student success and support

Rise Up

A new program at Kansas State University creates opportunities for students and businesses to optimize diversity in the workplace.

white and pink piglet looking at the camera

Happy as a hog

K-State’s new swine teaching and research facility gives students real-world agriculture experience

Supporting Kansas communities

Kansas PRIDE provides assistance and resources to enhance communities throughout the state

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