You don’t have to look far to see the impact of philanthropy at K‑State. Gifts power everything from scholarships and professorships to new buildings and major scientific breakthroughs. See what your gift can do.

Latest Campus impact

The engineer making his own path

Learn how philanthropy has made an impact on Nick Saia throughout his time as a civil engineering major at K-State.

The scientist learning more than she ever imagined

Find out how Lidia Lopez-Vazquez is excelling at Kansas State University thanks to Bridges to the future program.

The statistician who can save the world

Discover how Duru Doğan’s real-world experience is helping her succeed at Kansas State university and beyond.

Elevating design

Experience the creativity of K-State students at the APDesign Farris Family Fabrication Lab.

A different grad gift

K-State student leaders become philanthropists in the making Every Friday morning, a group of K-Staters meets to change the lives of fellow students. The gathering students are the Student Opportunity Awards committee, and they’re reviewing applications from K-Staters facing immediate financial needs. “The most […]

The politico broadening his perspective

Andrew Navarro delves into public service firsthand, from election strategy to community care. Explore his impactful internships and research projects.

More than winning

Discover the power of competition teams at K-State to develop essential skills, network, and propel towards success in engineering and beyond.

The writer finding her own story

Discover how Tyoni Williams took her education at Kansas State University beyond the classroom to gain real-world experience.

The future doctor who can’t stop learning

Discover how Maggie Barnhart is gaining real-world experience at K-State and beyond with the help of philanthropy.

More like Carrita Hightower

Hightower is a flavor chemist for the Procter & Gamble Company and recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Scholarly Achievements Award from the College of Health and Human Sciences.

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