You don’t have to look far to see the impact of philanthropy at K‑State. Gifts power everything from scholarships and professorships to new buildings and major scientific breakthroughs. See what your gift can do.

Latest Campus impact

Arena of dreams

K-State’s rodeo team’s path to student success goes beyond the arena

MAPS for student success

How K-State’s MAPS program helped a student’s dream become a reality

Inspiring a new generation

K-State’s KAWSE program is championing a generation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math K-State Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering or KAWSE program creatively works to help women of all ages feel included in their field of study. “We design events […]

Fostering success

New Parents and Family Program initiative supports former foster youth

Pursuing the good

K-State alumnus uses grain science degree to fight crime and gives back to the community he loves

All around wellness

How the WellCAT Ambassadors program leads the way in student mental, physical and nutritional health

The next bridge to health

Pre-health student, Dreah Kuckelman, is making change with the assistance of scholarships and campus programs.

Supporting academic excellence

University Honors Program assists students in reaching their goals

A helping hand

JMCares supports students in economic challenges brought by COVID-19

Research for a better tomorrow

Dr. Meng Zhang works to invent ways to reduce the world’s dependency on environmentally destructive fossil resources, support agriculture and forestry and strengthen advanced manufacturing for rural communities.

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