Latest News releases

Kansas State University establishes #KStateStrong Emergency Response Fund to address critical student and campus needs related to COVID-19

Kansas State University has established the #KStateStrong Emergency Response Fund to address the emerging needs of K-State students, faculty and staff during K-State’s COVID-19 response. The fund was created with maximum impact and ultimate flexibility in mind. Contributions will be made immediately available to Kansas State […]

K-State Proud at work

Student Opportunity Award applications skyrocket during COVID-19.

carl and mary ice

Giving to the highest K-State family priority

Carl and Mary Ice have established two scholarship match funds to benefit students pursuing degrees in the colleges of Human Ecology and Engineering at K-State.

ice family

Kansas State University announces College of Engineering to be named for alumnus Carl R. Ice

Carl and Mary Ice invest in K-State’s College of Engineering.

A letter from Greg Willems

Greg Willems reflects on his first 100 days as president and CEO

A letter from Greg Willems

KSU Foundation finishes up fiscal year 2015

Kansas State University alumni and friends give $141.5 million for fiscal year 2015

Fiscal year 2015 marks third most successful year in K-State’s charitable giving history

Eiselein named first recipient of the Michael Donnelly Faculty Award in English

Dr. Gregory Eiselein named the first recipient of the Michael Donnelly Faculty Award in English.

National recognition: University, KSU Foundation receive fundraising award

Kansas State University receives national recognition in fundraising from CASE

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