Center on Aging

center on aging

K-State’s Center on Aging is on the forefront of the study and practice of gerontology. The center offers educational and training programs in aging and conducts research and outreach activities, while serving as a referral center for aging information and resources in Kansas.

“The vision is an interdisciplinary program that challenges students to use problem-solving and leadership skills to focus on issues that will likely arise from the increasingly aging population in the United States and the world,” said Gayle Doll, director for the Center on Aging.

Meadowlark Hills Retirement Community has served as one of the center’s major partnerships. The center has collaborated with the nursing home for research, student internships and volunteer opportunities.

The Center on Aging administers PEAK (Promoting Excellent Alternatives in Kansas) 2.0, which is a nationally recognized, Medicaid pay-for-performance program focused on person-centered care, including involvement in education, action planning, consultation, exposure, recognition, team engagement and mentoring. The center also directs a secondary major program in long-term care administration, which places students in nursing homes across Kansas to prepare for licensure as administrators.

As a result of the center’s outreach efforts, Doll says research has indicated major improvement for the quality of care for nursing home residents.

Learn more about the Center on Aging and support their work with an online gift or contact Jeff Haug by email or at 785-775-2061.

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